Auto clicker by polar 2.1
Auto clicker by polar 2.1

auto clicker by polar 2.1 auto clicker by polar 2.1 auto clicker by polar 2.1

Level up your bears to increase their health and attack damage, unlock new fur colors, and gain new powers like Stealth Mode!MISSIONS AND ACHIEVEMENTSIntroducing unlimited missions and over two dozen achievements to give you a boost of experience! With the level cap increased to 200, you'll need all the help you can get!DYNAMIC WEATHER AND DAY/NIGHT CYCLEIntroducing a brand new procedural weather system with unique storms, clouds, and celestial movement. Brave the arctic wilderness and live the life of a Polar Bear! Survive in a frigid environment filled with dangerous carnivores and tasty critters! Raise your family, pounce on prey, and battle for your life against predators like foxes, wolves, and killer whales!Download the Polar Bear Simulator today while it's 50% OFF for a very limited time!Game FeaturesREALISTIC SIMULATORYou'll need to maintain your health, hunger, thirst, and energy if you're going to survive in the harsh wilderness of the frozen arctic!EPIC BATTLESUse your powerful claws and jaws to hunt down and fight your prey! Deliver the killing blow by leaping through the air and pouncing on your enemy!START YOUR FAMILYFind another polar bear to bond with and raise your very own family! Breed up to four polar bear cubs and watch them grow in size and strength while they help you survive in the wilderness!LEVEL UP YOUR BEARSGain experience by defeating dangerous predators, eating small animals, and completing missions.

Auto clicker by polar 2.1