It provides valuable lessons such as the dangers of fraud.It mirrors the realistic problems that preteens go through while growing up.

Effective and frequent use of jazz instruments that fits the show.Memorable characters (good or bad) like the aforementioned Eds, Sarah, Jimmy, Nazz, Kevin, Rolf and his animals, Johnny 2x4 and Plank, and the Kanker Sisters.Charming characters, especially the titular trio of Ed, Edd and Eddy.While the character designs are not as good in the first season, they improved magnificently from the second season onward.Eye-popping color scheme that resembles candy.In addition, this style would later inspire other shows to experiment with this formula, especially Space Chickens in Space.In fact, according to the creator, this was done to make the show stand out more from other cartoons at the time. The boiling line effect applied to the characters' outlines is a unique touch.The animation is completely fluid and smooth.Because of that, they spend most of their time coming up with scams to get money from their neighbors, which in turn makes them the most unpopular kids in town. They do not get any allowance from their parents so they can't buy Jawbreakers, their favorite candy. The show revolves around three preteen boys who all share similar names. 2 Why These Seasons Deserve Jawbreakers.